I'm taking part in a collective Etsy shop named "
HelpTheGulfCoast". I am donating my
Owl in the Box Pop Up DIY PDF toy to the shop. Kate of
FlapperDoodle opened the shop and you can read about how the BP oil spill in the Gulf inspired her (
her blog ) to want to help out. I was eager to contribute to the shop when I read Kate's blog post . We believe in conservation and my daughter LOVES animals so much I knew if nothing else I should do it for her.
Please visit the
shop. Also, if you would like to donate an item to be sold in the shop you can contact Kate
this own pop up is really cute, great idea :)
Thank you Vixen. I've taken my PDFs out of my shop because someone was selling them without my permission. I think I'm going to put them back soon though. I have some new ideas. :)
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