As I was working on the felting at my parents house my Mom remarked that it reminded her of a toy owl my brother had when he was little. I hadn't thought of it but she was right. That probably was where my mind was drawing inspiration from because I had always loved his windup toy owl. My Dad still has some of my brother's toys so I asked him if I could see it (Dad always knows right were everything is). Dad got it out and to our amazement it still works! I took a movie of it. It chirps too! It was magical to me as a child. I still love it. (Notice what funny feet it has. Looks like they may have used these feet on this toy and a Godzilla toy too! lol)
I can't believe that is your first experience with felting, it looks so good! I love the toy owl too. His little cheep cheep noises are so cute.
Your owl and owl toys are awesome!
You are such a star on earth.
Thank you so much for sharing how you were given your beautiful family. Must be so special when you finally had your family.
My cousin Teresa had two 6lb cysts one on each of her ovaries. Her two children are adopted and she loves them so much. We all see them as part of our family. You must be so proud of your babies.
All the best and have a great day!
Thank you Hollyrocks! I'm a little self conscious about it since it is my first one. I'm trying to decide if I should make prints of it and sell as ACEOs. I was wanting it to be a Halloweeny one.
He He- about he wind up owl. He is still cute after all these years. :D
Thank you Julie-ann! :D
Your drawing and words made me so emotional. So beautiful and poignant.
Sweet Amy that beautiful your owl.
you are talented with any material always gets to do beautiful things.
I left for you something in my blog.
Thank you Yasmin! You are a Sweetheart! :D
wowzers that is good for your first..lol i've wanted to try felting but afraid i'd end up w/ a pile of nothing.lol
Thank you Wendy! I bet you would be great at it! :D
Fabulous Amy! Looks like you have been felting for ages, such a complex first go! The clouds are perfect :-)
Want to come be a guest instructor in my textiles class?
ha ha.
Thank you Nadine!! he he
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