Bottom picture are mostly items I treasure from my childhood. A Three Little Pigs book, night light, motif dolls dress and the sweetest pink piggy stuffed animal. I always thought its feet looked like pink marshmallows and wanted to eat them up I loved it so much! The night light still works! The piggy key chain is from my sweet husband.
If you are wondering, Yes, I kept just about everything from my childhood. Now I get to play with them all over again with my daughter! :)
Yes I try to keep most everything too- or find myself buying back what my mum gave away years ago!- love your blog too! xx kas
Thank you Kassi!! :D
I had never stopped to think that pig feet seem marshemallows.. and you are right in that seem yes.
I have feather not to have kept my things of childhood. I had one of those attacks of the adolescence that thought to be the largest!
:D Mundo, I guess I never grew up! :D
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